When someone gets credit by stealing your idea
When Someone Gets Credit By Stealing Your Idea
Like there is a fear of when you struggle for your ideas you get your best ideas and there are chances they can be stolen and they get stolen by someone and they get the credit all was your struggle all was your travail and they just easily announce it before you and get the credit some people don't try again some get hurt and never try to think new ideas out of this fear because people get tired of it. The idea creators don't know that they are like bees yeah don't laugh why I am calling them bees because they got their honey stolen but what they have the recipe of honey they can again make it.
Now you can give the best reply to those who stole your idea for getting that credit the best thing you can do is to not get revenge from them but to improve oneself for not letting them do that again and you can do that by not revealing what you are up to keep your ideas to yourself until you want to publish it. Tell your self that this was their last chance of Copying my idea but now I will improve my self this was just a lesson for me for the betterment of me.
Stay Positive and not let negativity to destroy your peace of mind and creativity let me tell if negativity is overcoming your peace of mind it will not just destroy your peace of mind it will also affect your creativity and your personality so do not let these kinds of situations affect your mental health don't break your friendship with those who steal your ideas or betray you like that now by that I don't mean you should trust them no because you know the result you keep your ideas to yourself because you got a lesson and it had enough taught you that you should not trust someone on that aspect when you improv and those improvements will be visible to them they themselves will realize what made you that much secretive.
your mental health is more important for your creativity, find places where you feel good and your mind get peaceful.
MORAL: Never give up when you are knocked down never give up when you have been hurt never give because you know what you are capable of stars can't shine without darkness.
I hope you liked my article it encourages content creators to bring more good stuff and things which people nowadays are going through some difficult time or things which disturbs their mental health in this era all people are dealing with anxiety, depression and other things which are disturbing their peace of mind I hope further I will discuss these topics too if you related to this article or this article helped you so please let me know because it gives me more energy to bring more topics like that and find more people who relate to it. I would be glad to see you in my next article stay tuned. :)
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